About Us

Buddies & Trips is a French based student travel agency. Our main target are International young people and Erasmus students from all over the world and also French students. We are specialized in group trips in France but we can offer to travel abroad too !

The aim of our trips is to gather young people whether they are French or International, having fun and creating unforgettable memories together while protecting our planet !

best student trip in france
Les meilleurs voyages etudiants en france

All of our trips are affordable, as we know being young can mean you don't have a lot of money. Also, we try to provide you the best experiences ! It includes high service standards and enthusiasts travel professionals who will take care of you during the whole trips. They will pay attention to you even before the trips with our groups chat. Finally, it also includes amazing moments from the beginning to the end ! 

Thus, we are constantly challenging ourselves and learning new things, trying new experiences, discovering new places to give you the unique experience you deserve ! And all of this by always thinking about creating the most ecological things !

Anyway, we can say whatever we want but the best moments remain the simple one. Being just with some friends, in a new place with a beer or just a beautiful view and some laughs are the best ways to live a trip and to create the memories you will always remember and talk about later !

So join us to create the memories you will never forget !

For whom ?

international student travel

International and Erasmus people

As a foreigner, we know that it can be challenging and scary to live in another country where you don't know anything. We have been at your place few years ago and this is why we have created these student trips ! It will allow you to discover your new country while making new friends in the same situation as you. You will also meet new French friends who will help you to feel more at home !

voyage étudiant

French Young People

Being student means that you will certainly have to move for your studies in a place where you won't know anything. We understand you. This is why we have created our trips. They will allow you to discover your new city or region while meeting new people from France or from the world. You will not feel alone in an unknown place anymore. Moreover, it will allow you to make your new home your own

Why travel with us ?

In our student trips you will have different kinds of amazing activities :

bubble foot

Original and Fun Activities

Enjoy unusual activities like human bowling, speleology, cooking class... Experience also fun activities such as rafting or bubble foot and other crazy activities !

ecology zero waste

Ecological Activities

Take part of zero waste workshops, use greener transport to travel like public transportation or bike and make your trips more sustainable for our planet which needs it !  

petanque with friends

French Culture Immersion

Immerse yourself in the French lifestyle while playing traditional games like petanque or taste some good wine with French people ! Dsicover the true French way of life and be part of it !

Why joining our trips ?

  1. Because we are French travel experts and we want you to discover the best places. We also want you to experience the best activities that you maybe would have never thought about or tried without us.
  2. You will be able to meet a lot of new people directly and enjoy few hours or days with them. It will allow you to create real links together. You will see it is so much more fun to travel with new friends !
  3. Finally because we are fun ! We just want you to enjoy your time with us by making every moment unforgettable. We also want you to avoid spending too much time trying to find the best hostel, transportation etc... for your trips !

The Buddytrippers Values



We try to always be optimistic and to see every situation in the positive way ! We think it is the best way to live our life !

adventure trip


We like risk ! As entrepreneur, we don't know the routine, and risk is part of our daily life. We like to discover new things, try, fail, start over to create the best trips for you ! 



New ideas, new people, new places are very welcome here ! Nothing is rejected, every new possibility is accepted !

diversity people


During our trip we want to promote inclusion and respect by including everyone, from every country and every situation in a total respect of each other. Diversity is important to us !



We are travel passionate and our leitmotiv' is "We are young, we have one life!" so fun is part of our live and our trips!



We want to collaborate with you ! We want to provide you the best student trips. For that, you need to tell us what you would like to change or add and we will try to do our best to satisfy you !

Who am I ?

My name is Manon and I’m passionate about travelling ! I did an Erasmus year in Poland, a language stay in England and an Erasmus for Young. Entrepreneur in Italy, so as you can see, I’ve also been an exchange student in foreign countries several times !

During these years abroad, I took part in trips for international students, and they were like a revelation for me. They were incredible ! I got to meet a lot of international students, took part in extraordinary activities and discovered new places and cultures.
Finally, it was back in France that I missed all these great moments, and that’s why I created my own student travel agency ! My aim is to offer you the same incredible experiences I had !
That’s why you should join one of my trips! I was in your shoes a few months ago, so I completely understand what you’re looking for. You’re looking for fun, unusual and original activities.
Also, you expect to party, again and again. In short, you want to have fun, make new friends and discover new places !

You want Buddies & Trips !
So what are you waiting for ? Join the Buddytripper Family on one of our trips !