What is included in the price ?
In the price of our student trip : accommodation, guide and some activities are always included in the price. Sometimes transports and food can be, depending on the trip. You will always find the details of what is included in the descriptions of the trips.
Do I need to take an insurance ?
It depends on you but it is always better to take an insurance during a trip. This is why we offer you to take the insurance we are working with, to make sure you have a great time without any unpleasant surprises
How many persons does a group contain ?
Well, it depends on the trip. It can be small group from 15-20 people to 40 people or even more. It will mostly depend on the activity and transportation we will need for a trip because if we need a bus, we will need more people to fill it, or on the other side, something really nice activities can only take small groups. So we will adapt the groups size on the different trips.
Can I pay for my trip in installments ?
For the moment you can’t because, as we are transparent with you, we need to have the full payments in order to pay our providers in advance when we book an activity for a trip for example. However with time, we will try to offer you this possibility as we know that it can be better for some of you.
Can minors come ?
Unfortunately not because there is more liability involved with minors that we cannot currently manage.
When should I book the trip ?
The sooner the better. If you wait too much time, the trip will be maybe full, or the price will be more expensive, because as we all know, prices change with time and depending on the period. So, the sooner you will book the trip, the better you will be because you will be able to already prepare yourself for the trip and you will get the best price for it !
How much luggage can I take with me ?
During a one-day trip you won’t need a luggage but for a few days trip, each traveler is allowed to have one checked bag and one carry-on bag.
Do we have free time during the trips ?
Yes, in each trip you will have free time to do what you want and enjoy the destination in your own way. However, it is important to respect the schedules and meeting points so that the group does not get behind.
Can I know who will travel with me ?
For every trip, we will create a whatsapp group. It will allow to communicate with the other persons of the trip, to start knowing each other and being already close for the first day of the trip. What is interesting, is that you will be able to use this group before, during and even after the trip to keep links between all of you !
What does Buddies & Trips do in terms of ecology ?
We are trying to have the best impact on the planet during our trips, before and after. We have started since the beginning to be careful on who we were working with. Even our website host is supposed to be ecological. We will avoid plane, wasting water, electricity, creating waste etc…as much as possible during the trips and in the daily life of the agency because it is important to us. Moreover, we are trying to make you aware of these questions, and for that, during most of the trips, we will offer you an activity linked with ecology.
Do you offer tailor-made trips ?
For the moment, we only offer packaged trips. Maybe in the future we will be open to also create tailor-made trips !