Asterix Theme Park
1 Day
70 €
Next dates for this trip coming soon !
Come and enjoy a day at the Asterix Theme Park !
THE French park that will give you chills!
Go into the world of the famous comic book Asterix and Obelix and adventure in crazy roller coasters ! Attend great shows and have a great time with your friends!
Meeting Point
Asterix Theme Park
Lunch Together and Team Games
Asterix Theme Park
End of the Trip
No Options for this trip
A super Guide for you during the whole trip
A whatsapp group to gather you even before the trip !
Entrance for the park
We will take the shuttle for the park together.
Non included
Non included
Not included
The pic nic is not included, you need to bring your own food ! 🙂
If the trip is sold out or the dates have not been already set up.
Never stop enjoying ! Discover our other trips!
Pastry and Unusual Paris Tour
1 Day - From 50€
Come and taste the best pastries of the great French pastry chefs! Between tastings, come and discover unusual places and visit lesser known nuggets in Paris that are just as incredible!
Be ready to eat some of the best pastries with your new friends !
1 Day - From 40€
Go on an adventure in Fontainebleau! Try cool and unusual activities!
Meet new friends from all over the world and participate in team challenges!
Have a lot of fun and Come and hike in the forest ! Come and do boulder climbing !
1 Day - From 30€
Take part in team games and meet new people !
Visit an abandoned Asian garden in the middle of Paris ! Discover the secret world of horse racing with your friends and try your hand at betting for only 2€! Or just play bet for fun without spending money.
Who will bet on the right horse?